It’s Kombat Time! Let’s look back on the first four games in this klassic fighting game franchise, from the gruesome arcade original to the polygonal MK4.
Continue reading »It’s Kombat Time! Let’s look back on the first four games in this klassic fighting game franchise, from the gruesome arcade original to the polygonal MK4.
Continue reading »Though it’s frequently called the worst Final Fantasy game of all time, or at least one of the weakest, we’re here to say THAT AIN’T SO! Not only is the game itself perfectly decent, the soundtrack is every bit as incredible as the proper numbered entries. Get ready for some heavy shreddin’ guitar!
Before he was made of yarn or a stylus-guided sphere, Kirby ruled the original Game Boy and starred in several console classics. This week we examine Kirby’s pre-2000 era, which includes bubbly tunes from Adventure, Super Star and all three Dream Land titles.
ROCKTOBER RETURNS with a month of sinisiter Shin Megami Tensei tunes! We begin with a trio of Super Famicom titles that laid the groundwork for an entire series and its numerous spinoffs, yet never really left Japan. That’s SMT I, II and the lesser known If…
We take a tour through the first three Star Fox soundtracks and discuss the brand’s many unique selling points, from its muppet animal heroes to its gamey-orchestral jams. SNES and N64 tunes incoming!
Look, we had to do a Super Mario episode at some point, and with Mario 64 turning 20 it seemed like a great time to look back on SMB1~64 and discuss its well-known (but still quite good) tunes.
This early Super NES RPG didn’t stand the test of time, but its soundtrack sure did! Listen along as we rattle off some of the game’s incredible Ys-like tunes.
When you think about vikings, you don’t usually picture early 90s dance music. But composer Charles Deenan sure did, and used a mix of keyboards, guitars and beats to craft one of my favorite SNES soundtracks.
Incredible synth jams from two overlooked katana-em-ups. There may only be two games to discuss, but holy crap get ready for sincere 80s awesomeness.
Rocktober 2015 concludes with incredible MM10 jams, surprising tracks from Wily Wars and a trio of tunes from Mega Man and Bass.