Before we bow out for an indefinite hiatus, journey from 65 million BC to parallel dimensions in this Lavos-sized 150th episode.
To far away times
0:00:00 – Presentiment / Chrono Trigger
0:25:48 – Guardia Millennial Fair (CT)
0:29:02 – Memories of Green (CT)
0:32:54 – Wind Scene (CT)
0:36:16 – Secret of the Forest (CT)
0:48:58 – Battle 1 (CT)
0:51:24 – Boss Battle (CT)
0:53:21 – Courage and Pride (CT)
1:05:24 – Frog’s Theme (CT)
1:07:12 – Robo’s Theme (CT)
1:08:44 – Lab 16’s Ruin (CT)
1:10:16 – Brink of Time (CT)
1:18:00 – Battle with Magus (CT)
1:20:46 – Corridors of Time (CT)
1:23:45 – Black Omen (CT)
1:35:54 – Wings That Cross Time (CT)
1:39:15 – World Revolution (CT)
1:43:01 – Final Battle (CT)
1:46:42 – To Far Away Times (CT)
2:12:09 – Scars of Time (CC)
2:14:31 – The Brink of Death (CC)
2:17:04 – Dragon God (CC)
2:26:45 – Plains of Time (Home) (CC)
2:30:06 – Shore of Dreams (Another World) (CC)
2:32:23 – Voyage (Another World) (CC)
2:34:50 – Voyage (Home) (CC)
2:43:03 – Termina (Another World) (CC)
2:45:41 – Galdove (Home) (CC)
2:49:33 – Zelbess (CC)
2:56:05 – Reminisce -Enduring Thoughts- (CC)
2:57:39 – Radical Dreamers -Le Tresor Interdit- (CC)
3:13:42 – Delightful Spekkio (CT)
OM effing G.. been waiting a long time for this one. Chrono series is easily one of the best VG music tracks ever. Can’t wait to hear it. This made my day.
You’re breaking my heart, Elston! At least you picked some excellent tunes for the good-bye(although I much prefer “see you later”).
I haven’t listened to the episode yet, but I am already sad to hear about the hiatus. My knowledge and appreciation of VideoGame music have grown a lot because of this podcast. Thank you guys!
And “indefinite hiatus” may still be temporary, right? Got’to keep the hopes up for a return someday.
Can’t say that I’m not disappointed at the prospect of not getting to hear you guys play some awesome video game music, but such is life.
I also can’t say that I *am* disappointed by getting to hear a Godzilla-proportioned episode on these amazing games.
Although for a minute there I was afraid that my favourite Chrono Cross song was omitted, but it would seem that the song that I’ve always known as ‘Dream of the Shore Near Another World’ is listed here as ‘Shore of Dreams (Another World)’ and I missed it in my skimming of the track list. Thanks for not skipping the obvious songs.
Hope to see another surprise vgm sometime in the hazy future but will be listening and relistening episodes till then.
Very sorry to hear this is ending – this podcast got me through some stressful times over the years. Thank you for all your hard work Brett! I’ll especially miss listening to the Lasertime guys totally derail every attempt to the show back on topic.
Good luck to you in all your future endeavors!
Thanks for all the years of entertainment! I’ll miss the show greatly
Man. Where do I even begin? This is a hard reply to write.
I haven’t listened since the beginning, but I did start in 2012 and kept listening to each and every one, since. In that timespan, I met my wife, married my wife, adopted a cat, adopted two dogs, said goodbye to a dog, moved across the country by road, bought a house, and adopted another dog. I’ve also changed jobs four times, and had a stretch of time that was unemployed. I’ve been through really happy times and real heavy depressions.
To this day, I still have favorite episodes that I go back to and re-listen to, some of which I have heard dozens of times, easily. At this point, I probably know the show better than you, Brett.
Among all the podcasts I listen to, this one was by far my favorite. Maybe because the format of the show made it so re-listenable; other podcasts date themselves quickly by being relevant only to the newscycle that they live in, but this show revisits and (mostly) sticks to the topics pertaining to music. It might also help that you and I are nearly the same age and from the same era (I was born December ’82).
Please don’t shut down the site or the feed for these podcasts because I still listen to the wrockin’ wrestling or the cavalcade of sports or the fiddlin with famicom, etc.
Can’t say I’m happy that you’re putting the show on ice but I guess it had to happen eventually and I guess I’m glad it’s given official notice rather than mysteriously ending on Mystic Quest. Stay well, Brett.
You’re gonna carry that weight.
thanks! i should give cavalcade a re-listen, i don’t think i have for years now. I def re-listen to some eps as I travel. Romance of the Three Kingdoms comes up a lot and the Tropical Freeze AOTY.
I too hope to resume someday soon!
Cavalcade might have the best “chemistry” between host and guests in an episode. Everyone just seems so happy to be there. The ratio of banter to music is always hard to nail but I think that episode gets it just right. Plus the songs in that episode are all pretty good. The Golf Power at the end was so good that I’ve since come back to those songs outside the context of the podcast.
Not sure if you know this but, those Golf Power songs are only available to listen to on the web through your Gamesradar article. That’s the only place I can find them in a Google search. Can’t even find them on YouTube, but maybe I just have to look harder.
It’s also, technically speaking, the *first* time you put a Capcom song in the playlist. Gold Medal Challenge.
Really sad to hear about the hiatus man, you really were a huge part of tdar and lasertime and its never been the same without you.
Just want to say thank you for doing this podcast. It has been a joy listening to the podcast since the beginning. I downloaded so many episodes for traveling. I spent a large portion of time in Africa and other resource poor countries during grad school and these helped me to feel a little bit closer to home. Glad to see that street fighter is getting the Rocktober treatment since it seems like the true best ending to the podcast (I’ll selfishly hope we get year end wrap ups and maybe a second mario episode).
Thanks again for all of the work and sharing your love for this great music.
Love you Brett, thanks for the good times
Thanks for the great times Brett! This show really opened up my eyes (and ears) to new ideas, games I never thought I’d try based solely on the discussion and music, and helped guide me through some of my best and worst moments. Truly you are gods among mere mortals!
Still sitting here hoping that someday I’ll get my Shantae VGMini (hell I could do a full episode on the series if I had to), but as it stands, you are going out on the highest of notes.
Good luck on all your future endeavors. And remember, don’t say goodbye. It’s too painful. Say “bon voyage”.
Wow, what an amazing episode. Thanks so much for putting all the time and effort you’ve given it this and every other episode Brett.
Chrono Cross’ Soundtrack has, and I am not exaggerating, been a daily listen for me for the past 6 years in some way. Whether it’s one song or several. I finally finished playing Chrono Cross last year for the first time and though some of the story bits confuse me, it’s the soundtrack that keeps it fond in my memory.
The end theme, Radical Dreamers, for whatever reason gives me those same chills Brett, I can completely relate.
I’m not a musician in anyway, but through the magic of other people’s exceptional talent I was put my heart to making an English Male Vocal version to the song.
If that interests you at all it’s on YouTube under my channel CuppaJoeGamer. Godspeed Brett, whenever you return I’ll be here, eager to listen. And on call for that Klonoa episode. 😉
I worked in a pizza shop my senior year of HS and all through college. We hired a kid who was hopelessly dorky. Something about him bothered me. Not his dorkyness but his total lack of shame and no effort to hide it. I’m also a dork, but this is the early 2000s and I was very ashamed of myself. I Tried so hard to hide it. I was always trying to show how “cool” I was, wrapping up my identity in playing music and doing drugs.
Anyway, he comes marching in after working a couple of weeks and I introduce myself,” Hi my names Matt”
He says , ” Hello! My name is Chrono”
I respond, “Your name is Chrono? Your parents named you Chrono?”
Melodramtically he replys, ” No, no. My favorite video game is Chrono Trigger so my nickname is Chrono! Please call me Chrono”
I said “my dude… that’s not how nicknames work”. Important to keep in mind that I’m desperately trying to pretend I don’t know what Chrono Trigger is so I don’t get compared to this guy. What would girls think!?!
He didn’t stay at the shop long but he kept having one embarrassing story after another
Trying to impress someone by tapping a beer key but barely being able to lift the beer keg and getting beer all over himself.
Crashing his bike in the freshly tarred parking lot covering himself in tar.
Making a complaint that his coworkers weren’t inviting him to out of work hangouts.
Having his pokemon LARP team come to the store and just yell pokemon names at each other.
One day I walk into the kitchen and he is blaring the Chrono Trigger 3 disc soundtrack he has. I, along with everybody else make fun of him for being a dork, but then I really start listening to it. It gets to the Millenium Fair and I’m trying not to openly weep. Not because the music is sad but because the memories of the game start flooding back. This is the first time I entertained the possibility of just listening to the game soundtrack. That game music is composed by some of the most prolific and talented artists still working today and is a legitimate form of music.
I went home and started burning game CD’s. Mega man, Zelda and a capcom mixed cd that heavily featured bionic commando. I now collect game vinyl and I’m that guy that goes into some long-winded explanation about game composers in casual conversation to the unexpected innocents who may have accidentally shown the slightest of interest.
In retrospect this kid had it figured out. He knew what he liked and just liked it regardless. As an old, old man I feel kind of bad for partaking in the bully squad, but I’m relieved in knowing that Chrono didn’t care about that stuff and just wanted to be Raichu with his friends and listen to groovy tunes.
Long post because Brett says he likes them and I like Brett.
Yeaaaah it’s Chrono time! …which sounds redundant. It’s a very grand, bittersweet episode and I appreciate the work y’all threw into it. Interesting choice of outro, too – my brother’s favorite character is Spekkio.
“World Revolution” is a big favorite of mine in the grand scheme of final battle themes, and so is “Dragon God,” even if the particulars of the fight with the latter aren’t that memorable or impressive. Cross has a lot of hit-or-miss things going on with its storytelling, I think all can agree.
Loved the line notes from Mitsuda as well – very sobering insight into what game development was like back then, and also what made these tracks shine.
Thanks for the send-up to this awesome series, guys, and for all the VGMpires behind and ahead~