Sep 162019

Here comes a new podcast, and it’s Rocktober in September – Rocktember, baby! Brace yourself for a series of street fightin’ tunes, starting with the arcade original and its world-famous sequel.
0:00:00 – Title Theme (SFII: The World Warrior)
0:07:26 – Birdie’s Theme (SF)
0:09:10 – Bonus Stage 2 – Breaking Boards (SF)
0:27:19 – Ryu’s Theme (SFII)
0:29:01 – Ken’s Theme (SFII)
0:31:13 – Guile’s Theme (SFII)
0:40:40 – Blanka’s Theme (SFII)
0:42:39 – Zangief’s Theme (SFII)
0:44:30 – Sagat’s Theme (SFII)
0:55:26 – Title Theme (SFII: The New Challengers)
0:55:50 – Cammy’s Theme (SFII: The New Challengers)
0:57:48 – Fei Long’s Theme (SFII: The New Challengers)
1:09:18 – Staff Roll (SFII)
Oh, you’re a tricksy one, you are! Only thing I have to say is, AT LONG LAST!
Something went wrong with my RSS feed, so I missed the last two episodes, and you announcing that the show was going on hiatus. You villain.
Glad we get a free Rocktober, sad to hear VGMpire is finishing.
Stay well Brett, we’ll always be here if you decide to reupload.
I dunno WHY we’re getting Rocktober in September, but I ain’t complaining!
I’ve been waiting for THIS series for a loong time!
Hissss. Don’t like tricksies…
But man you sure know how to exit on a high note. Got to love those Capcom composers.
Good luck to you man. You know you’ll always have VGM fans whenever you want to come back.
I guess I can always take the opportunity to reacquaint myself with some VGMpire reruns…
I gotta say, I personally don’t care for the whole “Music changes at low health” gimmick. They’re never as good as the normal version of the song, and I don’t like it when the normal song gets interrupted mid match.
If it was up to me, the song would run through the entire match, through round tranistions, right up until the match is over.
Composer Orie Falconer created a fantastic track inspired by SF2 that sounds like it could totally be in the SF2. Actually seemed like a great fit if someone like Kolin was in the roster:
Great stuff as always VGM!
A VGEmpire episode focused on a Capcom game?! Will wonder never cease…looking forward to it.