We examine seven years’ worth of incredible SFIV tunes, from the 2009 original and to its Ultra conclusion.
0:00:00 – Volcanic Rim Stage (SFIV)
0:17:07 – Theme of Guile (SFIV)
0:20:19 – Theme of Sakura (SFIV)
0:23:28 – Theme of Zangief (SFIV)
0:29:30 – Overpass Stage – Tokyo (SFIV)
0:32:48 – Morning Mist Bay Stage – Vietnam (SFIV)
0:36:16 – Deserted Temple Stage – Japan
0:48:40 – Theme of Juri (Super SFIV)
0:51:54 – Solar Eclipse Stage – Africa (Super SFIV)
0:55:33 – Theme of Cody (Super SFIV)
1:02:48 – Theme of Evil Ryu (Super SFIV Arcade Edition)
1:05:27 – Theme of Yun (Super SFIV Arcade Edition)
1:11:45 – Theme of Poison (Ultra SFIV)
1:14:28 – Blast Furnace Stage – Europe (Ultra SFIV)
1:17:26 – Theme of Elena (Ultra SFIV)
1:23:41 – Drive-in At Night Stage – USA (Ultra SFIV)
Brett’s early warning about the music being all “wub wub wub” hadme worried, but it didn’t end up being that way until the end, and even then it still had that Japanese-game-techno sound that I always forget Japan still makes, long after Western games have bored me with most of their soundtracks.
What are the chances that there will be a surprise bonus episode, with music from Puzzle Fighter, EX, SF X Tekken?
This is both my favorite Street Fighter game, and my favorite SF soundtrack.
I love pretty much all of the music in this game. You guys talked about the “return of melodies” and that’s a HUGE part of why I like it. I love it when a song has a clear tune that sticks in your head and leaves you singing it for days. I also love the pure energy that the soundtrack has. It could be more fitting for kicking people in the face.
Contrast that to 3rd Strike’s music. Where so many of the songs are just collections of beats with no real tune that stays with you. While other songs are just kind of peaceful in a way that doesn’t go with the action at all. It’s part of why I was a bit disappointed that the 3S themes for SF3 characters became their “official” themes going forward(presumably because of the popularity of 3S), when NG/2I had better actually character themes in it.
Also, that Volcanic Rim theme, which is also kinda the “main” theme of SF4, might just be my favorite song in all of Street Fighter. And I seriously hoped that it would become the main theme of the entire series going forward. Sadly, that didn’t happen. And SF5’s theme just doesn’t compare.