The SFV soundtrack is bursting with variety, from incredible remixes to all-new standout tunes that expertly blend musical genres.
A new podcast is coming your way
0:00:00 – Opening Theme (SFV Arcade Edition)
0:16:58 – Theme of Laura (SFV)
0:20:33 – Theme of Karin (SFV)
0:23:50 – Theme of Rashid (SFV)
0:32:24 – Temple of Ascension Alternative -Japan Stage- (SFV)
0:36:26 – Spooky Arena -Russia Stage- (SFV)
0:41:13 – Frosty Boulevard -New York Stage- (SFV)
0:44:41 – Skies of Honor -UAE Stage- (SFV)
0:51:48 – Air Force Base -USA Stage- (SFV)
0:55:49 – English Manor -England Stage (SFV)
1:06:52 – Theme of Kolin (SFV S2)
1:11:03 – Theme of Zeku (SFV S2)
1:14:55 – Theme of Menat (SFV S2)
1:21:36 – Theme of Cody (SFV Arcade Edition)
1:24:03 – Ring of Pride -Ring Stage- (SFV)
1:36:49 – Main Menu (SFV Arcade Edition)
I guess it’s wishful thinking, but it almost sounded like Patrick was volunteering to head up a 2019 year in review.
I mean, there was an earlier comment about inheriting the podcast.
Thanks for all the podcasts over the years , always excited to see a new episode pop up in my feed to listen to during work or driving. Nice to pull off the band aid on two IPs before a long hiatus that I was curious to hear your thoughts and associated memories with. I’m sure you’ll see or her these two eventually but here are the links awakening marin songs in eng and jp for you.
At around the 1:45 mark in Zekus theme you get a tiny hint of Striders theme. His backstory also heacily implies that the Strider universe is the future of the Street Fighter universe. I love touches like that.
Thanks Brett for all the years of entertainment, and for introducing me to so much amazing music. I found this Rocktember to be super informative. I fell off Street Fighter around the fourth iteration of Street Fighter 2. I didn’t even realize Alpha was a unique prequel series, I just lumped it in with Turbo and Championship Edition and Hyper Fighting and The New Challengers. This podcast made me realize how much incredible music I’ve been missing, and makes me want to get back into the series.
SF5 especially is just god-tier musically. I love Zac Zinger’s Frozen Boulevard jazzy tune you picked, and I’ve been listening to the alternate version on repeat on Spotify. That’s one of the most insanely upbeat uptempo jazz tunes I’ve ever heard, incredible bassline. I love all the djenty stuff too like Ring of Pride, which reminds of early Animals as Leaders.
So just want to say thanks again to Brett, and I wish you the best in all your future endeavours. And thanks as well to Patrick K for adding so much to the show. As a drummer myself I love getting another drummer’s perspective.
Brett, when you commented on Guile’s and Cammy’s tunes, you said in passing that one of them reminded you of Franz Ferdinand. Cammy’s stage definitely had the groove of FF’s “I Want to Live Alone”, but Guile’s music sounds like it’s done in the style of Linkin Park’s “What I’ve Done”…..It uses the drum pattern exactly.
Stepping back, I’m really glad you’re closing out the show with this magnum opus of a Rocktember. I played SFII like you did back in the day, but outside of a little bit of Alpha 2, I pretty much stopped at SFII. I was likewise unimpressed at seeing SFIII(wasn’t it initially just called “III” in the arcades?), preferring to play Virtua Fighter 2 or Tekken. Although I’ve since come to appreciate its brilliant graphics and music, I really have almost no experience with any of the games outside of the SFII iterations. So thanks, guys, for expanding my musical horizons. I have some OSTs to binge.
Stepping back one more time, Thank you Brett for these years of doing this show. I’m just a few years older than you, but right in that same nostalgia window. So it’s been super enjoyable to remotely reminisce with you on this shared experience. I really appreciate that this has been a labor of love, and it’s shown throughout the many episodes. I wish you the best of luck in your new job; may it be a satisfying change for you.
And thank you, Pat, for seemingly acting as the fire under Bretts ass, to get new episodes out these past few years. The only mild criticism I’ve ever had about this show, is that as Brett’s nostalgia vehicle, it has occasionally felt tethered to the experiences of just one man(and his guest’s reactions to that experience). Adding shows that are outside of Brett’s wheelhouse has broadened the scope of the show, and that’s a good thing.
Here’s to hoping you both have time and inclination in the future to cover some of those other games and franchises you haven’t gotten around to yet!
I have been absolutely loving Rocktember and this probably takes the cake. The whole series got me in a Street Fighter mood, so I *just* bought SFV. Thanks for everything guys!
Thanks for all the podcasts Brett. VGMpire is the first and best VGM podcast imho. Discovered the pod circa Summer 2012 and have had a blast with it ever since. It became a summer ritual for me to re-listen to archived episodes. Highlights for me were Castlemania, Sega Synthesis, the Year in Review shows and #1 with a bullet was Sega/Sonic CD with Spencer Nilsen.
I think you do yourself a disservice with the emphasis on nostalgia, the content is compelling on its own merits (see Sega Synthesis) and only enhanced by any possible nostalgia felt by you or the listener.
Good luck to you and I’ll keep an eye on the feed!
What is the vídeo Brett mentioned about the evolution of SF series? Searching for “evolution of street fighter” there are too many results.
Do you know how freakin’ happy I was to turn on my podcasting app and see all of these lovely new VGMpire episodes?
Great work fellas, and nice surprise!